Refurbishments Portfolio

No matter how big or small the project may be, you can count on our professional and qualified builders to deliver on-time and on-budget projects. Not only will our restoration efforts add value to your property, our dedicated and detail-oriented services will leave you with a finished product that looks professional, refined and stunning.

Please see below for examples of renovations undertaken and completed by Brickbond Sussex Ltd:

Whitehill Oast, Selling

These Photos below were taken from our recent project at Whitehill Oast in Selling; an Oast house refurbishment into five beautiful new homes.



Old Steine, Brighton

These are examples of some of the brilliant interiors at the Old steine renovation and new build.

Madeira Avenue, Worthing

Brickbond constructed a complete sympathetic refurbishment with landscaping and upgrade to meet current Building Regulations. This included structural alterations as well as external boundary walls and fencing.



Please view before and after pictures of a project completed by Brickbond in Wineham.